Tuesday, August 10, 2010


From "The Holy Temple," by Boyd K. Packer, page 42

"A number of years ago I served on the stake high council in
Brigham City. On one occasion the stake presidency and
high counsel and their wives attended an evening
temple session in the Logan Temple. One of the workers
was participating in the instruction for the first
time and did very poorly. He had difficulty in
remembering his part and was obviously nervous and
flustered. He mixed up his presentation in a way that
in other places would have been considered humorous.
He struggled through however and was gently coached
and corrected by those who were with them. As much
dignity and reverence was maintained as would be
possible considering the difficulty.
After the session was over, the brethren fron the
stake presidency and high council were standing on the
walkway from the Temple, waiting for our wives to meet
us. One of the brethren commented in some amusement
that he surely wouldn't have wanted to be that man,
that night. "He really went through an ordeal," he
said. "It was like he was like being put on trial
before all those people. "
President Vernal Willey, characteristically a quiet
man, said with some firmness, "Hold on brethren,
let's get one thing straight here. It wasn't that man
that was on trial here tonight. We were. ""

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