Thursday, August 26, 2010

Give 'Em Two Hams!

Here is a story that President Grant told about dealing with the devil.
A man was asked to donate a choice ham that the ward could eat at their banquet.  The man walked out to his smokehouse and chose a choice ham.
Then he said to himself, “I don’t have to give my best ham.  I could give them any old ham and it would look all right.  No one would know the difference.”
Then he began to realize where those feelings were coming from and said, “Shut up, Mr. Devil, or I’ll give them two hams.”
President Grant’s triumphant line was, “He was troubled no more.”
–Truman G. Madsen, Presidents of the  Church, page 284

This little ad was taken from what in two short readings has become one of my favorite blogs:

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